Saturday, February 28, 2009

Finally reason out with my officer whom me and my fellow camp mates have been suffering under his supervision.
Left him dumbstruck, leading to another topic, trying to find faults with me. I was really disappointed that he vented his bloody anger at me when he couldn't organise a last minute meeting, and expects every officer involved to be attending.

I don't like the idea that for once, an officer can't just say he's wrong, let alone apologise. Pride huh?

Stayed back in camp to help out till 11:30pm, though i'm in an ORD mood already... =)
Felt like i'm doing work efficiently... Quite rare actually... And depends on who. If it's a bunch of retarded officers who can't even do basic formatting, and throw their chunk of bullshit in my face, then hell, i'm not gonna do it for them.


I get messages on facebook, sms, msn conversations, questioning about my decision to leave CHC.
First, to answer all your doubts, the answer is NO. IT'S NOT BECAUSE OF ELIZ. So don't make assumptions. The reason for leaving is probably how others felt as well. The church is becoming like a trend. And this, i felt kinda ashamed to be part of it. Full of biased people. Support Sun Ho just because she's Pastor's wife? Admit it, her songs like Chinawine is such a horrible song.
Not only that, everything that Pastor does, a flock of 'nice, sweet, but totally biased' comments will be posted to him via Facebook. Like i said, stalking Pastor is the latest trend.

So how does this affect me? I feel a rush of embarrassment the just went through my veins and affect the way i feel about what CHC have already become. Of course, not every member is like that, but knowing that there's a majority of like 80% who are completely unaware that they're just giving the church a bad name. Pastor Kong did well to build a church, and grew it. But because this mindset is placed in the minds of the members, it doesn't look like a great church to me of good influence.

Does that answer your questions? Now, don't waste your time inviting me back to CHC. Don't even leave messages like, "You're always welcome to join us again" - cos you're all so hyped up about the growing numbers...