Thursday, February 26, 2009

And so, my mind is set.
I can't go back on my word... If i leave, i will leave and mean what i said.

After 7 years in CHC, I am wondering, is it just an excuse people would say that i stayed to long and have yet to become spiritual? I've seen many rise up to become a cgl, only when they were in church for 3-4 years. It's like becoming a trend!

It makes me wonder, if CHC is a trend of trends. The members are now even STALKING Pst Kong's every move, thanks to Twitter and Facebook... And reading all the comments posted, it makes me sick. Biased. Really biased. He's a great pastor no doubt, but i think this is really giving him a bad name. Totally ridiculous.

Like what Kian Yong told me, i could agree on his few pointers. The church is demanding, or rather, the members. It grabs you to a point that you feel that you lost your freedom. You need to be accountable to the every single move you make. Your weekends are burnt, and if you don't attend church or svc, the first question would be, "Why?"

Seriously, is there a lack of respect for one's privacy? They are great friends, nice people. But when they become "serious" for God, they show who's the boss, nothing like a friend, ey.. From a church that i spent my entire teenage life, i now feel that i have enough of it. It's time to get out. I want to see what a true friend is. A best friend may come from CHC, but he's only a friend if he respects my decisions. I don't care if he's from CHC. So long as he doesn't bring his preaching into the friendship and start praising CHC like it's the most perfect church around.

Members really tend to think that CHC is the right church. The best church around in Singapore, and even condemning other churches for preaching the wrong gospel... -_-"

I'm expecting that now i'm gone, none of them are gonna even gonna call for meet ups. This is the kind of impression left on me, and many others as well... Even if it's a meet up, it's probably with intentions. Trying to win you back to church. So that they can play the number game. "We hope to reach to a total attendance of 30,000 people!" - the whole congregation cheer, whistles...
Get a life.