Saturday, November 8, 2008

Had an excursion with some personnels from camp to Little India. Well, as a respect for the Indian race, it's a way of respect by learning about their heritage...
It started off when i went to the ATM to withdraw money... Ahead of me, there was this indian fella who withdrew from the ATM with 5 POSB Cards! Gosh!
Probably for his bunch of lazy friends... Many were pissed off in the queue... To me, it was a joke...
Well, i didn't enjoy the whole excursion thingy... Saree reminded of Zining... If so happen, i bump to any indian ladies wearing saree, probably it will remind me of Zining... (too bad, you told me how fascinated you are about the traditional clothing.. :P)
They headed to the temple which i refused to enter...We were encouraged to enter... I still didn't... One, i know that it will go beyond my belief and also, i don't wanna take out my pair of high-top precious converse shoes...
Oh, encouraged by a tour guide. Yes! A TOUR GUIDE that 'preached' to us about the heritage about the Indian culture... So sad, i thought he would tell us the beginning of the Roti Prata dish... :(! And people around us gave us long stares as if we were tourists... Do i not look like a Singaporean?
We headed to a restaurant, Gyarani (something like that), and my! The food's really to spicy for my likings! -_-"
Well, free food though... :D
Headed for CG meeting... I promised Vincent, Sarah, Nicole that i would come... And i glad i did. I felt out of place at first...
I left early as they continue to fellowship as i left my house keys at home, fearing that i might get locked outside...

Service day!
I couldn't wait to find my feet again, back in God's kingdom.
And also looking forward to say 'hi' to Zining...
Woke up at 10:45am.. Considered late to me... But well, met up with Sarah and Vincent at KFC, JP and left for prayer meeting... I'm glad i made it cos i know that I have the tendency to escape prayer meeting...
It was a little rough for me as I felt that feeling haunting me again. The feeling of looking out for Eliz in svc... I saw her though, and the moment i saw her, i just wanted to say hi and speak to her a few words, but i know eventually it would be awkward... It's just not going to be the way it was...
Searched for Zining, but well, didn't see her though she said she saw me... Sounds like hide and seek to me... Well, only soon did i realise that she was serving today with the TV ministry...
Svc was great by Rev Ed Silvoso, whom i'm not familiar with, only seeing his name on a couple of books that he wrote... It was a good sermon, and though i was really tired, I'm glad that spirit of tiredness didn't interfere...
With our hands, we may not be what we wanted to be in the end... But God always gives us something to start small with... He gave an example of how a taxi driver, though may be just a taxi driver, can be a able to bless his 'clients'. Cos with the hands that we have, we are able to bless others... That people can sense God's anointing...
With these hands, we can penetrate the marketplace.
I'm not very good at describing... But hopefully this very basic english, you'll understand...

I had a great time with my CG, N402... I regretted on the thought of transferring due to some reasons that is quite illogical that condemned my faith in God.
And with 3 new friends, Evangeline (good to see you again!), Carmen and Daryl... I hope our CG will grow in the coming weeks... Especially during Asia Conference and Christmas! Not only will they come, but i hope they will commit to God...