Sunday, November 9, 2008

I closed the msn window... when i i could just extract the words she said...

Oh well... yet another night, no sleep... due to an ongoing msn conversation with _______ (name shall not be mentioned to protect the person's identity...)

11pm to 7am.
Is it an addiction? Is there such a thing as an addiction of talking to someone on msn? I dunno... Sometimes, it just happens to naturally, it's not an addicition...

So I was told that our conversations should be cut. Oh well, to avoid potential misleads...
I respect her decision whatever it is... And I'll just follow it.
But the moment, when a conversation is cut down, or probably not the way it was, awkwardness comes in...

I don't want to say much about it... But this is all i can say. Not very detailed. It doesn't have to be...