Thursday, October 16, 2008

All in all, the past 5 days was one of the toughest i've been going through.
Thoughts of being suicidal, being let down time and time again, confinement for unreasonable officers, no replies... It just makes me even more depressed.
I've not totally picked myself up yet, and I'm trying to... I couldn't sleep last night, or the nights before...
Really tired, but still i refuse to. Cos i was waiting for just one reply, but it never came.

The confinement was harsh. And many of my camp mates know that i don't deserve it. But who could argue with an officer? I wouldn't even voice out my concern for the fear of being given more than what i've been given...
He said, he had complaints from other officers about my work performance... I know it was not good, but not to the extent that I didn't do anything! I've stayed back in camp to finish up some file preparation, no one was around.

I'n my branch, I'm working under 2 SSG, 1 MWO, 1 CPT, 4 MAJ, 1 LTC and 3 DXO
And there's only me, Ryan and Jun Long to do 12 demanding work. And when you're occupied with other officers work, the rest 'bao do' you, insisting that you refuse to do their work. What shit is that?
The DXO are probably the ones that pointed the finger at me. Yes, I've got a strong disliking for them. They come at the most inappropriate time, ask you to do work when it's so easy and any shit brain can do, yet, they find us to do their work. Changing 1 word in a paragraph also need help... They are not computer literate, and I've mentioned that they should go and attend a course! Oh yeah, teach them, they tend to forget, pretend to know what you've taught them, and days later, they ask you, "How do i do this?"