Friday, May 1, 2009

Just came back from a last minute movie with Jia Hao and Eunice.
Watched Horsemen, and i would say... I like the mystery concept of how they use Revelation 6 of the Bible to form a string of murder cases.
You know, the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

Well, besides that concept. It talks about how a father was not able to make time for his children... Moral of the story to all parents... "Keep a look out for your children. Cos if you're a detective, you'll be surprised to see that your son/daughter can be part of the crime..."


School's alright... And honestly, I can see that many people are starting to find their OWN cliques. That the bond that we had in the beginning, are slowly beginning to disappear.
Of course we're in school to study, and making friends is 2nd priority to that. But i think, sometimes, it's the fear of being alone that keeps us all on the look out for people who can be our friends.

I hate this classmate, yet, i thought it was dumb for her to kneel before Alica just to apologise. And cunning to tell another classmate that she wouldn't mind if she's being slapped. Definitely, that would get my classmate expelled... Thank God she got brains...
"World War III", I interrupted.