Monday, February 9, 2009

Out of camp privelage revoke... what's the difference from CONFINEMENT? Just that it sounds less harsh... But i have every reason to be thankful for this though... Problems at home, not that i am run away, but put yourself in my shoes when all you get when you go home is nothing but vulgarities hurled you for so no specific reason... And what's worse, she calling my mother names... Haiz... I have a very messy family tree... Thank God i'm still alive.

It's something Ryan told me he admired me for. That i'm still alright despite the problems at home. Which i try not to bring to my camp and affect the people around me... He can't imagine life without a home and having to sleep on the streets in the blistering cold at night...

"Sometimes, when you mood is low, i see you like that, i get worried, couldn't concentrate on my work. Because when you're jovial and really happy, you bring smiles across the office, and enlighten everyone..."
Ryan said this to me... Somewhere along that line. And i start asking myself... What happened to me? Once the Robin that everyone knew and loved being around with. It always led me to think about the times when I was with her.

:( Now, it's just a broken friendship. I admit it for my selfishness, and how i was really nasty... It was probably greed that led me to this.
Today, i can honestly say, I miss her around me. Her voice, her love for me... Someone whom i will remember as the near perfect one. 99% perfect, 1 % flaws that I always look away from.

There's just one reason why i love her so much till today. But i don't think she knows why... :(