Monday, October 13, 2008

What happened to me?
I watch myself sink deeper, until i realise that I've sink to the brink of depression.

She probably know that i wasn't who i used to be... When happy moments happen, expectations begin to be set... Longing for more happy times with that person. But when it doesn't turn out to be the way you hoped for, disappointment comes. You think of the person differently.

And everything that happens, is forgotten.

Now, I know i did what i could to be there for her, be by her side no matter how difficult time was for me, yet, i just want to see her happy...
Yet, when i feel depressed, there's no one who comforts me. No one who understands me, but still, lashes out at me.

Right now, i just don't see anything in life to look forward to. I'm just awaiting death to invite me.
I doubt she cares.

I felt used at times, but still, i continue being so. Cos i don't want everything to be based on my happiness...

My world is crashing. People think of me the way I'm not.

I don't want to prolong any further...
This is probably goodbye