Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I just read her blog... Haiz.. It worries me, yet i know she's not in the good mood to talk.

I hope she got my message clear... Hoping she'll be alright...

I've lost my power to make her happy when dark clouds surround her... :( But that isn't important! So long as she's fine, I'll be much at ease...

I learnt that i care for her is not exactly for her to see, and probably not anyone else but rather knowing that it's more of my part as a friend.

Anyway, if you're reading this, listen, "Take it easy... Life will only be harder if your focal point lies in the negatives in life. I mean, definitely it will still stay stuck in you, but I'm sure that His word will guide us out of it... So yeah, build yourself up and stand tall for Him!"

Definitely it is easy said than done, but we got to ask ourselves, "Do we even bother to try?"